WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms Deer Advisory Group 2pm 20 February 2007 Cairngorms National Park Authority office 14 The Square, Grantown on Spey Agenda Chair: David Bale 1. Welcome and apologies 2. Minutes of last meeting 3. Matters arising 4. CDAG members response to questions re website and publication of Minutes 5. Deputy Chair 6. Paper no CDAG1/200207 submitted by Michael Hone. (MH to lead). 7. Joint Working update DCS/ SNH. (Iain Hope to lead). 8. Supporting sustainable deer management as a Priority for Action in the Park Plan. a) Deer management planning. Can we move to a more inclusive approach? Can we persuade other DMGs to follow Speyside DMG model? What are the barriers? (CM to lead). b) Increasing the value of the deer resource. What are best ways to take this forward? Paper no CDAG2/ 200207 - (CM to lead). c) Promoting better communication about deer management. What are best means and messages? 9. Proposed study to determine the socio economic impacts of deer reductions. Paper no CDAG3/ 200207. (CM to lead). 10. AOB 11. Date of next meeting